Tile Roofing for the New Home
No matter where the home resides, the roof plays an important role. Having a more durable roof installed when the home is constructed can save you a lot in the end. With tile roofing, you can save on both air conditioning and heating costs, and influence the value of the property. A well-cared for roof of this type can last for over 100 years. According to different sources, tile roofing is one of the oldest and most used types of roofing in the world. In fact, evidence was found that tile roofing was used before 10,000 BC in locations in North America, Egypt, and Rome. While there have been different types of roofing used over the times, tile roofing has always been used to some level. The most important thing to know, is that the foundation of the home or building needs to be laid out to support the weight of this type roofing. You can always add this type of roofing at a later time; however, if the support is not strong enough, support beams may need to be added first.
by Daphne Construction in Roof | 0 comments
Financing a New Home from the Ground Up
To help make your dreams happen, a home construction loan is usually needed. But before you dream of building a new house from the ground up, you need to understand more about construction loans. Home construction loans are a little different from most loans. So, we have put together some information and provided it to you in this article to help describe how they work. The most important part before seeking a construction loan, is make sure that your financial matters are in order like you would for any loan. It’s a wise decision to have some preliminary discussions with different lenders so that you can understand your borrowing capacity and be prequalified when the time comes.
by Daphne Construction in Construction Loan | 0 comments
Why Home Buyers Prefer New Homes
New homes built today offer more benefits than ever before. One of the biggest benefits to having a home built, for example, is that you get to help design it. Why not design your dream home with your wants and needs. You do not have to settle for what the builder chooses on everything. While the team at Daphne Construction are very professional home designers with high rankings in Louisiana, their number one goal is to build the home the buyer is longing. During the initial phase of the design of the home, let the team know your preferences when it comes to things like cabinets, countertops, Energy Star appliances, carpets, and even flooring materials. You can choose whether you want an exquisite bath with specific countertops and recessed lighting or other options that you love. We want your new home to reflect your style preferences, not just someone else's.
by Daphne Construction in Hebel | 0 comments