Discover Hebel and AAC
by Daphne Construction in Hebel | 0 comments
What is autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC)?
AAC is a lightweight, strong masonry product that began in 1920, when Sweden was enduring an extreme shortage of wood due to deforestation. Today, it is a mainstream building material throughout 30 countries worldwide, including North America, South America, Europe and Asia. This mineral already exists in nature and is manufactured by Hebel using naturally available materials such as sand, cement, lime, gypsum, and small amounts of aluminum. AAC is an energy efficient environmentally friendly masonry product.
What is Hebel?
Hebel is our brand of AAC. In the US, CSR Hebel is a strong, versatile masonry product. Using a third of the energy to make compared to other masonry products, Hebel offers a smarter way to build.
Hebel panels are designed for easy handling and cutting with steel reinforcement inside each panel for added strength. The size of the panels can vary for different applications. The results deliver a range of benefits from fire protection to thermal and acoustic insulation. It has a high UL rating for fire resistance and is recognized by Energy Star and the United States Green Building Council as a sustainable building material. A wide range of industries can benefit from Hebel’s custom blocks and panels, including those in the commercial, educational, hospitality, industrial, institutional, governmental and residential markets.
If your wanting safety and security, then AAC is the solution
When you use AAC made by Hebel, safety is built-in. With the highest fire rating in the industry, AAC offers the best fire safety available. Hebel AAC has proven to remain fully intact and withstand the stress of fire for up to 4 hours without any impairment to its stability. Even under intense heat, Hebel AAC remains tightly sealed against smoke and gas, emitting no toxic fumes.
In the event of a fire or an explosion, either from the insider of the outsider, Hebel AAC helps protect a building by preventing flying debris from scattering and damaging walls and roof. Hebel AAC also prevents flames from escaping through roofs and endangering nearby homes and other structures, preventing incidental collateral damage.
The overall advantages of fire behavior on Hebel AAC.
✓Fire Safety- 4 hours certified by UL (Underwriters Laboratory)
✓Not flammable
✓Highest temperature damping
✓Environmentally friendly
AAC also provides thermal insulation
If your looking to reduce heating and cooling costs, the Hebel AAC is the solutions!
Buildings constructed of Hebel AAC provide substantial energy savings in both hot and cold climates. The unique closed cellular structure and the thermal mass contribute to a high R-value and air-tightness, which reduce heating and cooling costs and improve indoor air quality. Buildings have seen savings on air conditioning up to 35% by using Hebel AAC.
Hebel AAC has exceptional thermal insulating qualities. In summer, the heat stored in the wall during the day is returned to the outside during the hours of the night. The interior remains cool and pleasant. In winter, the phenomenon is reversed and limits the heating periods and makes significant energy savings. Hebel AAC also removes the unpleasant sensation of cold wall and out performs CMU (concrete blocks) and Light Frame Construction in Thermal Performance.
Overall advantages of Thermal on Hebel AAC
✓Operational life time energy savings (significantly better R-equivalent value, monolithic construction, tighter envelope, reduce HVAC system requirements, reduce thermal bridging, and operational savings and payback)
✓Ability to store heat or cold
✓Great performance in R-Value
✓No thermal bridging
✓Vapor control
✓Comfort-indoor air quality (steadier indoor temperatures, indoor air quality, breathable material, and less chance for mold issues)
✓Easy maintenance (reduced wear on HVAC system , lees cycling, less maintenance of finishes, durable insulator)
✓Sustainable manufacturing and materials (LEED points possible and less raw material usage per square foot)
Minimizes your cost from reduced construction time and labor needed
Hebel lightweight AAC panels and blocks are faster to construct with and generally require significantly less labor compared to traditional construction techniques and products. Building with Hebel AAC also means less mess on-site, cleaner, safer work areas and less clean-up at completion of construction.
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems can be accommodated with Hebel AAC cored and U-shaped units as in conventional construction. Hebel AAC accommodates MEP systems by routing out the units after installation. The wall is then prepped and finished. There are many types of fasteners, connectors, and anchors available for Hebel AAC installation. The speed and ease of overall structure assembly minimizes labor costs.
Overall advantages of faster construction performance on Hebel AAC
✓Speed and Labor Cost Savings
✓1/4 the weight of traditional concrete
✓AAC can easily be cut and shaped with traditional wood-working tools
✓Foundation sizes minimized
✓Support structure minimized
Meets any STC requirements, providing acoustic insulation
The commonly overlooked environmental problem in construction is noise pollution. The solid wall construction of a building made of Hebel AAC provides exceptional acoustic insulation. Its porous structure and high surface mass, coupled with its ability to dampen mechanical vibration energy, greatly reduces outside environmental noise pollution and the indoor echo effect (i.e. reflecting sound) in empty rooms, providing a quieter, more comfortable interior for the occupants.
Overall, Hebel AAC has exceptional sound insulation properties exceeding other solid materials of the same weight per surface area.
✓Cellular structure
✓High surface mass
✓Mechanical vibration energy damping
Provides structural performance with compressive strength
Hebel AAC has performed well for many years in seismically active and hurricane-prone regions around the world. Hebel AAC buildings have shown good resistance to earthquake forces. The non-combustible and fire resistant characteristics provide further advantage against fires commonly associated with earthquakes.
Hebel AAC manufacturing process creates an ultralight concrete (about ¼ the weight of conventional concrete) with a unique cellular structure. HEBEL AAC can be produced as reinforced panels, which becomes an unbeatable combination of strength and durability with extreme lightness for ease of use and workability. Whether blocks or reinforced panels are specified, it’s the right choice for many load-bearing or non-load-bearing applications.
Overall advantages of structural performance on Hebel AAC
✓Strength can resist wind pressures without reinforcement
✓Shear wall strength can resist lateral loads
✓High impact resistance
Here are some free brochures if you would like to download them to learn more about Hebel AAC. Just click on the brochure to download.
Xells: The better way to build
[1.30 MB]
Strength for building greener
[1.01 MB]
Building the future with Hebel
[6.34 MB]
Building with no reservations
[5.29 MB]
Smarter solutions for construction
[3.71 MB]
Building materials for you
[1.10 MB]
Leed certification brochure
[1.74 MB]
Overall, Hebel is a truly remarkable building material. Contact us to learn more.
Tags: AAC, Hebel